What's Up Yo
Im here to tell you some frequently asked questions that I came up with, so technically, I asked it to myself, so, its not that frequently asked. But here I go; you might need this:
1. How do I use beta-test?
A. Click the button, enter your email and we will send you a link with your custom beta testing. The link will be usable for 3 months. Each week, you will be guarenteed locker codes, in addition, for use anytime during your testing.
2. After beta-testing, where will I find the locker codes?
A. We will frequently post locker codes from our twitter accounts: @SupGamesSG or @DylanofSG, or you can click the twitter link on the website.
3. When will the Training Academy game be published?
A. When we finish it, yo!
4. Then, will you be making other games?
A. Of course!
5. Bugs, errors, help, comments???
A. Contact us at the contact form found on the website, or you can email us at:
6. Special events?
A. Hell yeah!
7. Updates frequently?
A. Hopefully we can make it like that!
8. In-app-purchases and multiplayer?
A. Coming soon; we are working on it.
9. Where do vampires keep their money?
A. In a blood bank.
-Dylan of Sup Ganes
© 2015 SupGames Inc.